Obtaining uncertainty estimates for prediction generated by mixed
models (such as those fit by lme4
) in R
has been a challenge for users for many years. Unlike lm
objections, there are no easy ways to get confidence intervals for
predictions based on merMod
objects, let alone prediction
intervals. Options that did exist were based on simulation or
bootstrapping and thus require considerable computation time. This
tutorial describes the approach used to derive parametric intervals for
random intercept models, how to generate them quickly and easily using
, and provides discussion about how to appropriately
interpret and use these intervals. A brief discussion of simulation
results is provided at the end to show some properties of these
intervals, including comparisons to bootstrap methods.
First, we’ll start by writing down our model and defining our terms
so that we’re all on the same page. To an extent, I’ll follow the
notation used by the author of lme4
(Doug Bates) in his
2010 book on the package.
Y|G = g ∼ N(Xβ + Zg, σ2I) G ∼ N(0, σG2I)
In the above, Y is our response vector for a particular group, X is the design matrix containing fixed effects, β is the vector of fixed effects parameters, Z is the random effects matrix, G is the vector of random effects with realizations G, σ2 is the within-group variance, and σG2 is the between-group variance, and I is the identity matrix.
When considering uncertainty estimates for fitted values from this model, the following may be important sources of uncertainty:
Some of these are easier to estimate than others, and all of these can drive uncertainty when estimating both confidence intervals and prediction intervals in mixed models. We’ll refer to these sources of uncertainty below by the numbers associated with them in the above list.
offers two approaches for estimating confidence
and prediction intervals for mixed models, and they differ based on
whether we want to condition on the random effects or not. We’ll look at
the difference between conditional and unconditional intervals in terms
of confidence intervals first. The “conditional” confidence interval is
an interval for the expected value of an observation made under a
particular set of covariate values conditional on that
observation coming from a known group. In other words, this is a
confidence interval for E(Yij|Gj = gj)
for a particular value of gj. (Note that
while it would be more precise to state these expectations conditionally
on a vector of covariates, xij as
well as gj, we omit the
covariate vector from the expression for simplicity.) When we estimate
this conditional expectation, we have
E(Yij|Gj = gj) = E(Xijβ) + E(gj) + E(ϵij) = Xijβ + gj
The standard error for our model estaimte is thus SE(Ŷij) = SE(Xijβ̂) + SE(ĝj). Thus, a confidence interval for the group average will have a width determined by 2 and 4 from the above list.
Alternatively, we can consider an “unconditional” confidence interval for E(Y). In this case, we are interested in the global average without conditioning on a particular group. Since E(Gj) = 0, we have Ŷij = Xijβ̂, and SE(Ŷij) = SE(Xijβ̂), which only includes 2 from the above list.
Similarly, we can consider both conditional and unconditional prediction intervals. A 1 − α-level prediction interval for the i observation from the jth group can be defined thus:
(l, u)s.t.P(Yij ∈ (l, u)|Gj = gj) = 1 − α
We can re-write this expression using the CDF for a Normal distribution,
$$(l, u) s.t. \Phi(\frac{u-E(Y_{ij}|G_j = g_j)}{\sigma}) - \Phi(\frac{l-E(Y_{ij}|G_j = g_j)}{\sigma}) = 1- \alpha.$$
Plugging in our estimated model parameters, we can find l and u by solving
$$\Phi(\frac{\hat{u}- (X_{ij}\hat{\beta} + \hat{g_j})}{\hat{\sigma}}) = 1-\frac{\alpha}{2}.$$
$$\Phi(\frac{\hat{l}- (X_{ij}\hat{\beta} + \hat{g_j})}{\hat{\sigma}}) = \frac{\alpha}{2}.$$
In this framework, 1, 2, and 4 are relevant sources of variance. Alternatively, consider the unconditional prediction interval:
(l, u)s.t.P(Y ∈ (l, u)) = 1 − α.
Here, we are instead solving
$$\Phi(\frac{\hat{u}- X_{ij}\hat{\beta}}{\hat{\sigma}_C}) = 1-\frac{\alpha}{2}$$
$$\Phi(\frac{\hat{l}- X_{ij}\hat{\beta}}{\hat{\sigma}_C}) = \frac{\alpha}{2},$$
where $\hat{\sigma}_C = \sqrt{\hat{\sigma}^2 + \hat{\sigma}^2_G}$. For this unconditional prediction interval, 1, 2, and 3 determine our interval’s width.
We’ll look at each of these intervals and compare their uses below.
To do that, we need a data set. The code below generates a data set
consisting of ngroups = 10
groups with nsize = 20
observations per group. The data set includes a two-level continous
covariate and a continous covariate. The function
generates the X-matrix, and
takes this matrix and simualtes responses for
given values of σ, σG, and Δ, where Δ is the effect size of the factors.
All of these values are set to a default of 1.
Using this data set, we can fit a model using lme4::lmer
to create an lmerMod
object, which we will use for
generating confidence and prediction intervals.
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: y ~ x1 * x2 + (1 | group)
## Data: df
## REML criterion at convergence: 617.739
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Std.Dev.
## group (Intercept) 0.9778
## Residual 1.0582
## Number of obs: 200, groups: group, 10
## Fixed Effects:
## (Intercept) x1b x2 x1b:x2
## 1.0536 1.2232 1.3286 0.4376
The first interval we’ll look at is the conditional confidence
interval. This is generated using add_ci
and using the
option includeRanef = TRUE
. This option specifies that we
want a conditional interval rather than unconditional. The default is
includeRanef = FALSE
, which will produce an unconditional
interval. Recall from above that the conditional interval’s width is
driven by both SE(β̂) and SE(ĝ).
## x1 x2 group y truth pred LCB0.025 UCB0.975
## 1 b 0.02152605 1 2.35197203 2.043052 2.686833 1.8179428 3.555723
## 2 a 0.26034694 1 1.67461276 1.260347 1.771473 0.9586722 2.584275
## 3 a 0.64673143 1 0.32537188 1.646731 2.284827 1.4908670 3.078787
## 4 a 0.69560555 1 0.01130084 1.695606 2.349762 1.5507213 3.148802
## 5 a 0.97354604 1 3.88958362 1.973546 2.719036 1.8614833 3.576589
## 6 b 0.15814781 1 3.12704262 2.316296 2.928137 2.0967721 3.759501
Plotting these results lets us visualize the uncertainty around our expected values. The figure below shows the parametric conditional confidence intervals described above for the first three groups from our example data set:
df %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
add_ci(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = T, names = c("LCB", "UCB")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCB, ymax = UCB), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
For comparison, we consider bootstrap confidence intervals obtained
by simulating from the fitted model using lme4::bootMer
For this function, the re.form =
option is used to fit
conditional (re.form = NULL
) or unconditional
(re.form = NA
) intervals. (See ?lme4::bootMer
for further information.) In ciTools
, these intervals can
be obtained by specifying type = boot
df %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = T, type = "parametric", names = c("Lpar", "Upar")) %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = T, type = "boot", names = c("Lboot", "Uboot")) %>% head()
## x1 x2 group y truth pred Lpar Upar Lboot
## 1 b 0.02152605 1 2.35197203 2.043052 2.686833 1.8179428 3.555723 2.071373
## 2 a 0.26034694 1 1.67461276 1.260347 1.771473 0.9586722 2.584275 1.246372
## 3 a 0.64673143 1 0.32537188 1.646731 2.284827 1.4908670 3.078787 1.739305
## 4 a 0.69560555 1 0.01130084 1.695606 2.349762 1.5507213 3.148802 1.785129
## 5 a 0.97354604 1 3.88958362 1.973546 2.719036 1.8614833 3.576589 2.075259
## 6 b 0.15814781 1 3.12704262 2.316296 2.928137 2.0967721 3.759501 2.353928
## Uboot
## 1 3.291983
## 2 2.288398
## 3 2.761601
## 4 2.849866
## 5 3.320034
## 6 3.474994
We can plot our intervals side by side for comparison. The plot below
shows both sets of conditional confidence intervals, with the intervals
from simulate.merMod
shown in red and the invervals from
shown in blue.
df %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = T, type = "parametric", names = c("Lpar", "Upar")) %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = T, type = "boot", names = c("Lboot", "Uboot")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = Lpar, ymax = Upar), colour = "black", fill = "blue1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "blue1", size = 2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = Lboot, ymax = Uboot), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
Visually, these intervals look similar, with the parametric interval being wider than the bootstrap interval everywhere. The narrower width for the bootstrap approach comes at the expense of coverage probability, though as the number of groups and size of groups increase, these differences move towards zero. A later section will explore simulation results comparing these two approaches.
We can see that the results for unconditional intervals are also
similar between the parametric and bootstrap methods. Unconditional
intervals are generated add_ci
by using the
includeRanef = F
option. Note that this is the default
setting for includeRanef
## x1 x2 group y truth pred LCB0.025 UCB0.975
## 1 b 0.02152605 1 2.35197203 2.043052 2.314809 1.5737037 3.055914
## 2 a 0.26034694 1 1.67461276 1.260347 1.399449 0.7249772 2.073922
## 3 a 0.64673143 1 0.32537188 1.646731 1.912803 1.2611594 2.564447
## 4 a 0.69560555 1 0.01130084 1.695606 1.977738 1.3199136 2.635562
## 5 a 0.97354604 1 3.88958362 1.973546 2.347012 1.6192321 3.074792
## 6 b 0.15814781 1 3.12704262 2.316296 2.556113 1.8593819 3.252843
To illustrate the differences fitting the unconditional intervals vice the conditional intervals, the chart below shows the parametric unconditional intervals for a single group from our data set in blue while the conditional intervals as plotten in red.
df %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = F, type = "parametric", names = c("LU", "UU")) %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = T, type = "parametric", names = c("LC", "UC")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LU, ymax = UU), colour = "black", fill = "blue1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LC, ymax = UC), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
The difference is readily apparent. For each group, the red intervals are shifted along the y-axis by the estimated group mean. Also note that the conditional intervals (red) are slightly wider than the unconditional intervals. This is due to the inclusion of the standard error for the group mean, which is unnecessary when estimating the unconditional group mean.
It’s also worth noting that the unconditional intervals for parametric and bootstrap methods are virtually identical, unlike the conditional intervals:
df %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = F, type = "parametric", names = c("Lpar", "Upar")) %>%
add_ci(fit2, includeRanef = F, type = "boot", names = c("Lboot", "Uboot")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = Lpar, ymax = Upar), colour = "black", fill = "blue1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "blue1", size = 2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = Lboot, ymax = Uboot), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
Taking a step back, it’s not clear what exactly these interval estimates are useful for. The conditional estimates reflect fitted values for data that we do not expect to observe again. When we choose to treat a factor as random, it is because we are interested more in the magnitude of its variability rather than the specific values it takes within our sample. Therefore, the conditional mean estimates and their associated confidence intervals are not necessarily important One thing the conditional means may be useful for is visually demonstrating model fit. While not very interesting for future prediction, we can show visually the degree of model fit achieved by plotting the fitted values against these conditional mean estimates:
df %>%
add_ci(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = T, names = c("LCB", "UCB")) %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCB, ymax = UCB), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
geom_point(aes(y = y), size = 2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
Note that each “group” should be plotted seperately, even if multiple
groups were observed under the same set of conditions. This is because
the conditional interval estimates are conditional on a single
group. The plot above shows data from groups 1, 2, and 3 by include
as a facet in facet_grid
By way of contrast, attempting to plot fitted values against unconditional mean estimates could end up looking rather bad:
df %>%
add_ci(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = F, names = c("LCB", "UCB")) %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCB, ymax = UCB), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
geom_point(aes(y = y), size = 2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
The fact that these estimates fit poorly to the data is not a reflection of poor model fit but rather the construction of the unconditional intervals. These intervals are estimates for the expected value of each observation, unconditional on the group, explaining their divergence from the observed data. This is aside from the point that confidence intervals, such as those in the above plot, are measures of uncertainty about the estimate of the mean rather than measures of variance of the observed data around the mean.
A better way to use the unconditional confidence intervals would be to compare the response variable against some threshold value. If our response variable was some measure of performance, we may be interested in the conditions in which average system performance was better than some threshold value. The unconditional confidence intervals are useful when making such comparisons:
df %>%
add_ci(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = F, names = c("LCB", "UCB")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCB, ymax = UCB), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "blue", size = 2) +
facet_grid( ~ x1) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1.5, colour = "red1", size = 2, linetype = 2, alpha = .5)
From this plot, we can see the factor combinations where average system performance is better than the threshold value as well as those where it may not be.
It is inadviseable to include observed data on these plots, since the confidence bounds are estimates of the average and do not reflect either within-group or between-group variability.
Next, we will consider the conditional prediction interval. In
addition to the parametric intervals described above an alternative
approach is available using the type = "boot"
option, which
will estimate a prediction interval by simulating data from the fitted
model using simulate.merMod
Graphically, the prediction intervals should look like the conditional confidence intervals only wider:
## x1 x2 group y truth pred LPB0.025 UPB0.975
## 1 b 0.02152605 1 2.35197203 2.043052 2.686833 0.42617699 4.947489
## 2 a 0.26034694 1 1.67461276 1.260347 1.771473 -0.46822327 4.011170
## 3 a 0.64673143 1 0.32537188 1.646731 2.284827 0.05189908 4.517755
## 4 a 0.69560555 1 0.01130084 1.695606 2.349762 0.11502223 4.584501
## 5 a 0.97354604 1 3.88958362 1.973546 2.719036 0.46271336 4.975359
## 6 b 0.15814781 1 3.12704262 2.316296 2.928137 0.68163659 5.174636
df %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
add_ci(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = T, names = c("LCB", "UCB")) %>%
add_pi(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = T, names = c("LPB", "UPB")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCB, ymax = UCB), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LPB, ymax = UPB), colour = "black", fill = "blue1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
Like the conditional confidence intervals, the best application for the conditional prediction intervals is showing model fit:
As above, each group should be plotted seperately, since these intervals do not account for between-group variance. Since we are now plotting prediction intervals, there should be no reservations about including the observed data on this plot.
Finally, the unconditional prediction interval:
## x1 x2 group y truth pred LPB0.025 UPB0.975
## 1 b 0.02152605 1 2.35197203 2.043052 2.314809 -0.6218681 5.251486
## 2 a 0.26034694 1 1.67461276 1.260347 1.399449 -1.5211238 4.320023
## 3 a 0.64673143 1 0.32537188 1.646731 1.912803 -1.0025826 4.828189
## 4 a 0.69560555 1 0.01130084 1.695606 1.977738 -0.9390357 4.894511
## 5 a 0.97354604 1 3.88958362 1.973546 2.347012 -0.5863305 5.280355
## 6 b 0.15814781 1 3.12704262 2.316296 2.556113 -0.3696811 5.481906
In this case, there are a number of applications. Rather than comparing a mean value to a threshold, we are more likely to be interested in getting a visual indication of the likelihood that a single observation can meet or exceed a threshold:
df %>%
add_pi(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = F, names = c("LPB", "UPB")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LPB, ymax = UPB), colour = "black", fill = "blue1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
geom_point(aes(y = y), size = 2) +
facet_grid( ~x1 )+
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red1", size = 2, linetype = 2)
In this case, there is no reason to include the groups as a facet.
Since our estimates are not conditional on group, the estimates would be
the same for each group. Therefore, we plot the full data set
conditional on only the two factors, x1
. Note that plotting fitted values may make sense in this
case, as the estimated uncertainty bounds include both the between-group
and within-group variability. This means that the intervals should
contain the advertised percentage of the fitted values.
Finally, one potentially interesting visual could be to plot an overall prediction interval along with a single conditional confidence interval. This single plot would show both the overall variation for individual observations while also showing how a single group mean could drive variation:
df %>%
filter(group %in% c(1:3)) %>%
add_ci(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = T, names = c("LCB", "UCB")) %>%
add_pi(fit2, type = "parametric", includeRanef = F, names = c("LPB", "UPB")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x2)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LCB, ymax = UCB), colour = "black", fill = "red1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LPB, ymax = UPB), colour = "black", fill = "blue1", alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = pred), colour = "red1", size = 2) +
geom_point(aes(y = y), size = 2) +
facet_grid(x1 ~ group)
This plot shows the unconditional prediction interval in blue along with confidence intervals conditional on group in red. The shifts in means between groups 1, 2, and 3 is clearly illustrated, with gorup 3 in particular having a large change in intercept due to group.
and add_quantile
The other two primary functions in ciTools
also have
methods available for merMod
objects. Mathematically, they
follow the same arguemnts as the probability interval descritions given
above, which we won’t repeat here. They follow the same conventions for
conditioning (or not) on the random effects, and like the intervals
discussed above, the choice of whether to condition or not should be
made carefully and should depend on the intended use case. For
population-level inference, unconditional probabilities and quantiles
should be used, and these seem like the most common use cases.
To compare coverage probability and interval widths for intervals generated using the parametric and bootstrap methods described above, 1,000 data sets were generated for each combination of group size (nsize = 5, 10, 20, 50) and number of groups (ngroups = 5, 10, 20, 50). Both methods were used to generate 80 percent confidence intervals for each data set. Random points within the prediction space were selected for each simulated data set to compare to the intervals for determining coverage probabilities.
First, we consider the coverage probability of the unconditional
parametric and bootstrap intervals. The blue line represnts the
parametric intervals and hte red line the bootstrap intervals from
. The x-axis denotes group size and the facet the
number of groups in the data set.
We can see that these two approaches produce very similar results, with the parametric interval producing slightly higher coverage probabilities but both methods approaching their nominal level as the data set increases in size.
Next we can consider the interval width. Once again, the two methods produce similar results. These results indicate that the unconditional partametric and bootstrap approaches perform similarly. The bootstrap is likely more robust to model misspecification (though this simulation did not explore this) but also takes considerably longer, particularly if you need to perform prediction across the complete design space. The parametric approach on the other hand takes virtually no computation time.
Unlike the unconditional intervals, the characteristics of conditional confidence intervals is not similar for bootstrap and parametric approaches. The first plot below reports average coverage probability on the y-axis, with the x-axis showing group size. The facet shows number of groups.
The bootstrap method shows coverage probabilities below the nominal alpha level. As the number of groups increases, the coverage probability converges towards 80 percent, though increasing the group size does not appear to matter for coverage probability. In contrast, the parametric method shows coverage probabilities that exceed the nominal level. As group size increases, coverage probability coverages towards the nominal level, but when the number of groups increases, coverage probability increases towards 1. The former is an expected result of the standard errors for the Xβ and the group means decreasing when the group sizes increase. The increase in coverage probability when group size increases is less easily explained. Particularly for cases when there are a large number of small groups, the parametric method produces extremely conservative interval estimates.
These trends are also observable when we consider interval widths. The parametric intervals are substantially wider than the bootstrap intervals, though widths converge when the number of groups and group sizes increase.
In general, the more conservative parametric interval is recommended
when there are few groups or at least the group size is large relative
to the number of groups. When the group size is small relative to the
number of groups, the parametric method available in
is overly-conservative, and the bootstrap approach
will provide more accurate coverage probabilities, although these will
sitll not reach the nominal level.
The approach for validating prediction intervals was slightly different than the approach for confidence intervals. The same sample sizes were used, but for determining coverage probability, one hundred test points were generated at five points in the design space for each randomly generated data set. Coverage probability was determined by calculating the proportion of these test points that were within the estimated prediction interval for both parametric and bootstrap methods.
Unconditional prediction intervals showed similar performance to unconditional confidence intervals in simulation.
As with the confidence intervals, coverage probability was slightly higher for the parametric method than the bootstrap, with the parametric method hewing closer to the nominal level, and the bootstrap interval falling just short. Neither interval’s coverage probabiltiy appears to be effected by the number of groups in the data set, though for small groups sizes, the parametric interval appears too wide for the nominal level.
As expected, the parametric intervals are wider than the bootstrap intervals. While the parametric interval width decreases with both the group size and number of groups, the bootstrap interval width increases as group size increases.
The performance of the bootstrap and parametric approaches is similar for conditional prediction intervals as it was for unconditional prediction intervals.
Coverage probability for both intervals is near the nominal level, with the parametric approach producing wider intervals that are closer (though above) the nominal level. The bootstrap approach failes to reach the nominal coverage probability even for large sample sizes.
Interval widths also show a similar pattern to the one shown for unconditional prediction intervals, with the parametric interval’s width converging towards the bootstrap interval’s width as group size and number of groups increases.